Beechcraft 1900 D’s (ZS-JAG) Crew Safe and Sound

NAC regrets to confirm that one of its Beechcraft 1900D’s (ZS-JAG,) came under terrorist attack yesterday, 17 September 2024, whilst on the ground in Bamako, Mali. Our crew and all personnel are unharmed and in a remote safe house. The militant action was very localized around the Gendarmerie, and Faladie areas as well as the international airport, which is far removed from their position. The capital of Mali is unaffected and business and life continue as before with no further unrest noticed. It is a tragic state of affairs that a South African company’s assets are damaged and destroyed in a fellow African country whilst performing humanitarian work in support of the citizens of Mali, under the auspices, approval, markings and flag of the World Food Program (WFP).

Although certain of our storage facilities and spares were also damaged, it is important to note that this does not appear to be a deliberate attack on NAC or the WFP. Reliable sources convey to us that the attack was seemingly launched by a local Jihadist terrorist group and responsibility claimed as such by Al-Qaeda. The attack was angled at the military side of the airport, whereafter it spilled over to the side where our aircraft and others that were damaged (Bombardier Dash 8, Presidential Boeing, Air Mali Boeing, various hangars, much ground equipment and the terminal building, that we know of) were habitually based. The Mali military managed to quell this event effectively, claiming to have captured certain of the terrorists, and the airport is now open and functional again.

NAC wishes to underscore that the safety of our crew is paramount, and that, together with the WFP, we shall seek answers on this occurrence from the authorities, in order to ensure a safe operating environment.

Please contact Ayanda Mthimkhulu at the office of the NAC CEO for any enquiries on 011 267 5000.